
  • English nameAzadirachtin
  • CAS numberAzadirachtin
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The generally recognized mechanism of azadirachtin on insects has the following aspects: directly or indirectly, through the chemical induction organs that destroy the digestive parts of the insect, affecting the vitality of insects. High doses of azadirachm can directly kill insects such as bedbugs and fleas, while low doses can cause permanent larvae, or deformed pupae or adults. By inhibiting the synthesis and release of prothymic hormone hormone (PTrH) by cerebral neurosecretory cells, it affects the synthesis and release of ecdyst steroids from the prothymus, as well as the synthesis and release of juvenile hormone from the pharyngeal side. The destruction of the normal concentration level of insect hemolymph also causes the insufficient synthesis of vitellogenin required for insect egg maturation and leads to sterility.Azadirachtin reduces the number of insect blood cells, reduces the protein content in hemolymph, reduces the concentration of trehalose and metal cations in hemolymph, Can inhibit the activities of proteases, amylase, lipase, phosphatase and glucosylase in insects and fat body, Reduce the insect feeding rate and the conversion utilization of food, Can affect the normal breathing rhythm in insects, Reduce the DNA and RNA content

in the insect fat body, Reduce the content of protein, glycogen and lipids in the female ovaries, fallopian tubes and spermatheca and the activity of some enzymes, Impact on the

male insect reproductive system, To change the brain, pharyngeal side, cardiac side, anterior thymus, fat body, Affect the hormonal balance in insects, Thus interfering with insect growth and development.

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